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Feng Shui How To Bring It To Your Home?

    Amongst our hectic lifestyles, busy routines, and chaotic headspaces, cultivating good feng shui in our built environments is a great idea to work on our well-being. If you believe in the Chinese concept of energy flow or chi, you might have considered incorporating the principles of feng shui in your home. However, it can seem like a challenging idea. To make it easy for you, we have broken it down in this simple guide.

    What is Feng Shui?

    Feng shui literally translated to “wind-water” and is a traditional practice that hails from ancient China, from as far back as 4000 B.C. The idea is to design and set up living spaces in a way that utilizes good chi, which is the guiding force of feng shui. A home that is arranged on the basics of feng shui creates harmony and balance between individuals and the environment they inhabit.  Since our surroundings greatly affect our internal energy, this leads to a healthier space that positively impacts our emotional and mental health.

    Feng Shui For the House

    It is possible to feng shui your home without the guidance of a feng shui master unless of course, you want to go all out and keep follow every principle. You don’t have to alter the entire structure of your house, rather a few tweaks here and there can make big changes to how energy flows within it. Even without a deep knowledge of the principles of feng shui, you can reap the benefits of living in a space that is in tune with your inner self, and filled with positive energy.

    As you start putting effort into bringing good vibes to your living space, focus first and foremost on the entryway, the kitchen, and your bedroom. This is because the entrance is where good energy enters your house, the kitchen is where you prepare nourishment for yourself, and your bedroom is where you relax and rest.

    To check the flow of chi through your living space, think of chi as a water stream that enters your house through the doorway. If it doesn’t have an unobstructed path, there will be pockets of bad energy in some areas. Hence, you want to make sure it’s able to travel through your home without being blocked.

    Clear Away the Clutter

    Clutter is the biggest culprit when it comes to disrupting energy flow in your space. Whatever you have hoarded over the years that doesn’t serve a purpose does not need to be kept. Everything in your surroundings should be a source of good thoughts and happiness to you since it’ll cultivate good energy.

    Clutter also ends up occupying space that would be otherwise filled with life force. Make sure you tidy up your space daily. This will also clear your mind and lift your mind.

    Follow the Commanding Position

    One of the fundamental principles of feng shui is the commanding position. The commanding position is the spot that is furthest from the door of a room, and not in line with it. This means that most importantly, you should keep your bed, your desk, and your stove diagonal to the entrance door. Each of these represents a crucial part of your life. The door should be within your line of sight as you’re lying in your bed, working at your desk, or cooking on the stove.

    Being in the commanding position allows you to receive positive energy, and that would reflect in your personal life and your career.

    Lots of Light and Lots of Plants

    Another essential thing to keep in mind when it comes to feng shui for the house is maximizing natural light into it. Sunlight energizes us and makes us feel better. Dark corners should be filled with light. Hang mirrors so they reflect light into the places it otherwise cannot reach.

    As living beings, plants will bring life energy to your house. They bring us close to nature and make us feel fresh and healthy. They also purify the air naturally and add a touch of color in the space they occupy.

    These are just a few ways to have your home reflect feng shui principles. If you are in search of a house to purchase, it is a good idea to be mindful of these things when seeing them.