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Get Your Garage Organized Easily With These Tips


    A home garage is high maintenance and, at the same time, an unchartered territory. Unwanted stuff, toolboxes, camping gears, cycling equipment, and even accessories are in the garage without an organizing pattern. Since most only use this space occasionally, dust and termites dominate the space unless you maintain it with Clorox wipes or a good vacuum.

    Did you know that only 30% of Americans park their cars in the garage? The rest of the 70% use it as a storeroom. If you are looking for a way to store and organize a plethora of stuff into your home garage, then you are in the right place. People underestimate the space available in their garage and forget that one can use it for many other things despite storage. Below are some tips to help anyone clean out their garage and regain much-needed space. 


    Garage Essentials


    Garage essentials are tools that are used in case of emergencies or cleanings. For instance, a plow is suitable for individuals living in colder parts of the country. Another example is a shovel, a wrench, a chisel, and many other things from the toolbox and a ladder. You can also store some first aid and a torch in case of emergencies. You can keep different kinds of stuff: batteries, cleaning liquid, lawn chemicals, and car maintenance equipment, only if you know your way around it. 

    Try to organize all your garage essentials in one area of the garage. Take the time to arrange the items so you can easily see everything you own and so that all the things you use most are the easiest to remove. 

    Keep The Floor Empty


    Did you know the wide-open floor makes the room look spacious and breathable? Keeping your floor free from storing things will allow you to save a lot of space and make room for your car. Empty floor space means you can do anything with your garage. For instance, turn it into a studio if you don’t like parking your car in the garage. You can also turn it into your workshop of things you love or a den for your luxuries. 

    All this is only possible if the floor space is free. The question then arises, where can you store things in the garage, if the floor should be kept empty? The upcoming tips will guide you to organize your garage effectively.

    Shelves Without Doors

    This is your answer to storing your stuff and keeping it organized. Vertical shelves do a neat trick by following up a system and safely display your things on the rack. This makes it easier to access things just by having a glance at the items. It is like walking around a department store and putting things that you need in a cart. Open shelves are a cheaper option and obligate you to keep your items organized. You need to know that not all things in the garage are suited to be on a shelf.       

    There is a wide range of options available for types of shelves. You can choose from a wall-mounted variety or a floor base variety. Furthermore, options between wood and metal are also available. 

    Install LED Lights For Bright Luminosity


    You will see the product of good organization when things are easier to fetch without any disruption. Even if you have organized your store well, one factor holds that will disorient you and, i.e., lighting. Can you grab stuff in the dark or complete your job in a dull environment? Home garages are often for working on projects, and dull lighting will ruin things. 

    To solve this problem, install LED light bulbs which will light up the room, making it easier to park your car and look for something with a “bright light.” Pay close attention to your electricals and install a GFI or tripper that cuts down the power in case of a short. This is useful in case of overuse of power in the garage.

    Drawers Are Worth It


    There are various types of drawers available where there are dedicated compartments. Some fill the larger one with torches, batteries and the smaller compartments with safety pins, file pins, keys, or rubber bands. While creating a drawer system, it is easier to keep a count on things and grab things instantly. Furthermore, if you want to store something important, a key can safeguard your drawer. Drawers are an effective organizational tool because you can add dividers and personalize them.



    Pegboards are an easy solution to hand small items, which are helpful and needed now and then. They are cheaper and are pretty practical. Pegboards allow you to pin keys, essential memos, and all utilities like scissors and tapes. One can organize different types of tapes into categories like packing tapes or wire tapes. You can do so many things with a pegboard in your garage. All you need is a pinch of creativity. They can also take the weight of heavier objects like yard broom, shovels, and even a mop. It does not occupy much of your space but allows you to organize many things.

    Label Your Boxes  


    It is essential to come up with a coding system to identify boxes without opening them. If you have your garage filled with boxes staring at you like monsters, start labeling it. At first, it might seem time-consuming, but it is an investment in time that you will save in the future. Labeling your boxes will allow you to store new things quickly and, at the same thing, take out things that are needed. 

    Wall Hangers


    Wall hangers are not just used for clothes but are capable of hanging various heavy stuff. You can hang gardening tools, mops, hockey sticks, or other sporting gear. Furthermore, it is easily accessible and at the same time easily placed at the right spot after use. This will also allow you to save floor space.

    Know Your Territory


    Finally, the best organization plans come with a memo and a good sketch with measurements. Decide on how ample your garage space is? What do you want to store? Where do you want to keep it? And what kind of storage do you prefer? For instance, if you’re going to hold essential tools such as a wrench or a handsaw, would you choose to hang it or store it in a box.

    Remember to divide your garage into a zone, i.e., a wall dedicated to tools, another for miscellaneous items, or sporting gears. This way, you can categorize things making it easier to get them out when needed. Make sure not to overdo it with the organizers. This will make your garage look cluttered and messy, which is not your motive. 


    Your garage is full of more potential space. Take the time to get rid of unwanted items, and then use the organizational tips above to clean out your garage. Many storage options are available and are perfect for giving your garage more floor space. After a garage cleanout, you may be able to keep a car in the garage or turn it into a hobby space.