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How To Sooth Anxiety Through Breathing

    Do you suffer from anxiety very often? Anxiety can be helpful to complete a task and keep the brain alert in a state of emergency. Yet, many times anxiety is overwhelming and also causes distress, fear, and depression. To overcome anxiety, implement these breathing exercises. 

    Reduce Anxiety By Doing The Exercises Mentioned Below

    You may have traveled by flight a couple of times, but the stress always hits you no matter how hard you try. It is natural to have an adrenaline rush through your bloodstream, provided it doesn’t get out of hand. Clinical psychologists suggest that fear is linked to other mental conditions such as generalized anxiety, panic, post-traumatic stress, paranoia, and so on. Therefore, you need to address the suspicion and their cause with the utmost care.

    Deep Breathing 

    Deep breathing is an exercise that you can do anywhere and anytime. It is the most straightforward kind of exercise yet very effective. All you need to do is sit straight, relax all the muscles of your body, then place your hands beneath the ribs, inhale slowly and steadily through your nose till your lungs are full, then exhale slowly through your mouth and let it all out. 

    Quieting Response 

    In this exercise, you need to breathe and visualize something you like thinking about in your mind quietly. 

    Firstly you must relax all your muscles, from your facial muscles to your hands and legs, and then you must imagine as if you have holes in the souls of your feet. Further, you must take deep breaths and visualize as if you can feel hot air entering through your feet. Try imaging the hot air then entering your stomach and then your lungs. Feel each muscle relaxing while the hot air passes it. Exhale the hot air slowly from your lungs to your abdomen and then leave your body through your legs. Repeat the exercise till you feel calm and relaxed. 

    Mindful Breathing 

    This exercise uses mindfulness to stay focused and increase your attention skills. Put yourself in a comfortable position to perform this exercise. 

    Furthermore, inhale slowly and steadily through your nose till your lungs are full and feel your stomach expand, then exhale slowly through your nose again and let it all out, and feel your belly go in. Try to avoid any thoughts and keep focusing on breathing. 

    Diaphragmatic Breathing 

    This breathing exercise is the most recommended exercise by doctors and is also very effective for those suffering from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. According to studies, this exercise is also very effective in curing anxiety. 

    To perform this exercise, you can either lay down or perform it while standing straight. All you need to do is place one hand on your chest and the other hand on your belly. Inhale slowly and steadily through your nose till your lungs are full and you feel your stomach rise, then exhale slowly through pursed lips and let it all out, and feel your belly go in. Repeat the cycle till you feel relaxed. 

    4-7-8 Breathing 

    4-7-8 breathing is a quick and effective way for you to relax anywhere, anytime. 

    Do this while you sit straight with the tip of your tongue sticking behind the back of your front teeth. Then exhale while making a swish sound. After this, close your mouth, inhale for precisely four seconds and then hold your breath for seven more seconds. Count to eight while breathing out through your mouth while making a whooshing sound. 

    Repeat this process at least three to four times to notice proven results. You can also do this exercise if you struggle with insomnia and spar to fall asleep at night. This exercise is commonly called ‘relaxing breath’ exercise and is very effective. 

    Lion’s Breath 

    Lion’s breath is typically breathing forcefully. To perform this exercise, you must sit in a kneeling position, but you can also sit cross-legged if you aren’t comfortable. Stretch out your hands to your knees. Then take a deep breath through your nose and breathe out forcefully via your mouth. Exhale with your mouth, and you can even stretch your tongue out while exhaling forcefully. You must also focus on the middle of your forehead while exhaling. Relax your face while you breath-in again. 

    To sum up

    You must learn to control your mind, and you will never have to re-think your fears ever again. However, we are humans, and it is natural to be afraid and have anxiety issues. You must always try to think positively to avoid anxiety and stress. These breathing exercises will be of much help when you need to relax and refocus your mind on something more positive.