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Make Your Own Gummy Treats For Halloween

    Halloween is not only about what you wear; it’s also about the food you serve. An essential part of Halloween is the treats. So you cannot just present regular home-baked cookies on Halloween day or any food that does not represent Halloween. This article brings you some crazy yet straightforward gummy treats recipes. Gummy treats are some of the best treats to make for Halloween since you can use molds to form the gummies into shapes such as eyeballs, worms, etc.

    Gummy Eyeballs


    • 3 packets of gelatin
    • 1 cup cherry juice
    • 1 pint of blueberries
    • 1 cup coconut milk
    • 1 tsp sugar
    • Spherical ice molds


    Take a bowl and add a cup of cherry juice with one packet of unflavored gelatin, mix them well and then add a quarter cup of boiling water to the bowl; let this sit for 5 min. Take a straw or a dropper, put one drop of red gelatin in the spherical mold, and then gently place your blueberries in. Pour 1 tsp of the red gelatin onto the blueberries, make sure that it covers the berries completely. Do not cover the complete mold, only cover the berries. Put this in the freezer to set. 

    Meanwhile, take a cup of coconut milk and add a tsp of sugar. Then, add two packets of unflavoured gelatin. After mixing them, add half a cup of boiling water, set it aside for 5 min. Take your mold out of the freezer and pour the white gelatin till the mold is all the way full. Let it sit for an hour. Your gummy eyeballs are now ready to serve! 

    Gummy Worms   


    • 1 packet strawberry gelatin
    • 3 packets unflavored gelatin
    • 3/4 cup heavy cream
    • Green food coloring
    • Plastic straws
    • A mason jar

    Recipe –

    Take three cups of cold water in a pot, add strawberry gelatin and three packets of regular gelatin, mix them, and put the pot on the flame. While the gelatin boils, take your plastic straws and put them in a jar; make sure you fill the jar well. Take the heavy cream and add green food color to the same, mix well. Now, combine the cream with the gelatin mixture. Pour this mixture onto your straws till they are filled with it. Let the jar sit overnight, then carefully loosen the straws from the jar and squeeze the straws. Your gummy worms are ready!

    Gummy Dentures


      • Denture mold
      •  2 and a half packets of regular gelatin
      • 1 packet of strawberry gelatin 
    • 2 cups sweetened condensed milk
    • White food coloring
    • Cooking spray


    The first thing to do is make the dentures. Starting with a quarter cup of water and mixing 1 and 1/2  packets of regular gelatin, let this sit for a minute, add a half cup of boiling water, give it a good stir, and pour in 1 cup of condensed sweet milk, mix well and set it aside. 

    Take half a cup of cold water, add one packet of regular gelatin, let it sit till it absorbs some water. Now, add half a cup of boiled water, mix and add a strawberry gelatin packet. Also, add a cup of condensed milk with some drops of white food color, set it aside, and let it cool.

    Take your denture mold and spray it with some cooking spray. Take your white gelatin mixture, and with the help of a syringe, pour the mixture into the teeth part of your denture mold. Let this sit for a while. After the teeth part sets, add your pink mixture to the mold to make the gums. Cool the mold, and there you have it, gummy dentures. 


    This Halloween, make sure you try these effortless and fun homemade jello recipes and celebrate the Halloween spirit in every way you can. These are especially fun for kids, but adults will love them too!