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Rooms In Your House That You Should Not Have A TV In

    Having a television in each room in the house sounds like a dream. However, is that really true? Even with all the money in the world, should you really have a TV in each room? Here are some rooms in your house that you should not have a TV in:

    Children’s Bedroom

    Early childhood development plays a crucial role. It is no wonder that many parents monitor what their children are watching to ensure that they are not exposed to porn or violence at an early age. However, research shows that children who have a television in their bedroom are likely to spend less time reading educational content, storybooks, and of course, sleeping. This puts them at a higher risk of performing badly at school and makes them more prone to become obese as they continue to laze around in front of the television instead of going out to play. Moreover, video game addiction is also a real concern.

    Studies have shown that children with television in their rooms are more likely to play violent video games, increasing personal physical aggression. Parents can never fully be aware of what a young child is doing behind closed doors. Allowing a child to have a television in his room only provides 24-hour uninterrupted access as parents fail to monitor and control their child’s watch history. In fact, it has become easier for parents to allow televisions in the bedroom than to take them out. Giving in to your child’s wishes may seem like the easier way out, but the two-letter answer will be more beneficial in the long run.

    According to a study, children were tracked for a period of 13 and 24 months. The results showed that those with a television in their bedroom were spending more time on the screen. School grades were also affected as children found it easier to continue watching or playing video games on their big screen rather than do things that would benefit their future. Moreover, the children who spent more time watching television spend less time reading books.

    Having a television in a child’s bedroom has also been correlated with a higher body mass index. As children continue to become obsessed with their screens, they refuse to take part in physical activities. It must be kept in mind that access is the reason behind addiction.

    Couple’s Bedroom

    Whether it is making grocery lists, setting alarms, scheduling appointments, using navigation, or communicating throughout the day, getting off the screen has become impossible. Technology is a crucial part of our everyday lives. With the advent of Netflix, more and more couples have started to install TVs in their bedrooms as they search for documentaries to watch together. However, does having a TV in the bedroom harm a couple’s relationship?

    According to several behavior psychologists, having a television in the couple’s bedroom is a bad idea. Interestingly, the National Sleep Foundation believes that TV can impact a couple’s life in the bedroom. If people knew that reducing their television time would better intimate time, they would instantly do it. However, one study showed that approximately half the men in Britain were willing to give up sex for six months in exchange for a 50-inch plasma screen television.

    Most people go through screen addictions as they scroll through Twitter and Instagram before bed instead of reading books and magazines. The “no-phone policy” does not work in the long run as we have become obsessed with our devices. Television is only another medium to get obsessed with. Why not keep it out of the bedroom and opt for regular intimacy that will keep your marriage alive?

    Moreover, having a television in the room means long nights spent watching shows and documentaries. Studies have linked this to poor sleep quality for both individuals. As long hours are spent in front of the television, the daily sleep cycle starts to suffer as the brain remains active even during sleep time, afresh with scenes from the last show watched. Not only does this affect the health of the couple, but it also increases aggression between them. Lack of sleep causes low patience and higher irritability, leading to more fights and lesser accountability.

    Dining Room

    Having a flat-screen in the dining room can definitely jazz up the interior, making your room look aesthetic, rich, and classy. However, is having a television in a room meant for eating really a good idea?

    Initially, the family system was built on sitting together during meals and discussing the day’s events, giving a chance for parents to bond with children and siblings to bond with each other as each person shared their experience. However, our fast-paced lives have introduced televisions to the dining room.

    This is not a good idea as multiple social experiments prove that eating while watching TV leads to overeating. An individual gets lost in the visuals and continues to consume food that is high in calories. He does not realize when he is sufficiently full. Eventually, this results in the need for snacking while watching television, leading to weight gain. During meals, it is important to concentrate on the food so that you can practice mindful eating. However, television provides distraction, leading to overeating.

    Moreover, keeping a television in the dining room leads to individuals spending more time there. Instead of going for a walk after a hearty meal, most individuals continue to sit on their comfortable chairs and binge-watch shows that have caught their attention. This keeps their body from burning calories, leading to a slower metabolic rate and a lazy routine.

    Bottom Line

    Keeping a TV in the common room is a great idea. This room should only be meant for leisure rather than sleeping, eating, or studying. Parents should monitor their children, while couples should spend some time together watching their favorite crime series before retiring to bed.

    Remember, it is always better to be safe than sorry. Say no to the TV in every room of the house!