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Why a Zero Turn Mower?


    Zero-turn mower is one of the favorite lawnmowers that is widely used by professional landscapers. However, even if you are not an expert, a zero turn mower can help you maintain a healthy, neat lawn outside your home in the most efficient way. Let’s find out the benefits of investing in a zero-turn mower.

    Better Maneuverability


    A zero-turn mower has an excellent ability to turn 180o, which allows for increased efficiency. This wider angle for turning allows the mower to cut closely around the bushes and flowerbeds. Zero-turn mowers can also turn around in small areas of the yard. This saves time as you don’t need to use a weed whacker.



    Saves Time

    One of the biggest and most appreciated advantages of a zero-turn mower is that it saves time. And it really. Not only zero-turn mowers have better maneuverability, but they also have faster ground speed. Also, since they have a lower center of gravity, they are safe even at a high speed.

    Zero-turn mowers also have an option for larger decks. This allows you to cover a wider area with fewer passes. The high speed, larger deck, and better maneuverability all help save mowing time.


    Easy to Drive

    Though there is no steering wheel and it might seem intimidating to ride this mower, but just with a few rides, you are bound to get comfortable with your zero turn mower. It comes with handles to help control the speed and direction. To increase the speed, all you have to do is to push the handles forward. To slow down or stop, bring the handles back to its original place. Also, there are emergency brakes installed in the zero-turn mower that can save any potential accident.




    There are several accessories that can enhance the functioning of a zero-turn mower. These attachments not only allow you to collect the grass clippings, but they can also help you transport material and even clear the snow. These accessories are easy to attach, but in some models, you may require an adapter kit.


    Manicured-Looking Lawn

    Have a huge lawn and lawn care seems to be a daunting task? Not when you use a zero-turn mower. A zero-turn mower can make it easy for you to take care of your lawn as it has better maneuverability, balance, and speed.



    Variety of Models


    It is a general perception that zero-turn mowers are ideal for large lawns (more than half an acre). Though this is true to an extent, you can still invest in a zero turn mower even if you have a small lawn. There is a wide range of models that you can choose from, which are suitable for lawns ranging from half an acre to up to more than five acres.

    With a zero-turn mower, you can easily zip around the yard in no time, and with a wide variety to choose from, you can pick the model that best serves your lawn care needs. To know more about which model to invest in, you can go through the reviews.