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8 Plants You Should Dead Head Every Week

    Deadheading is a gardening chore that you need to perform to keep your yard in great shape. Deadheading ensures that your plants flower regularly throughout the flowering season. But do you know that not all plants need deadheading? Some plants don’t look messy after flowering. So there is no need for a cleanup. However, there are plants that you deadhead more frequently. In this post, we look at eight plants that you should deadhead every week. But before we get into the details of these plants, let’s look at what deadheading means and why you should do it.

        What is Dead Heading?

    Deadheading your plants means removing the flowers and leaves that are wilt and fade. For several plants, deadheading is a way to promote flowering. Moreover, deadheading also helps keep the plant in great shape. It is not only a way to get rid of the messy appearance of your plants, but through deadheading, you can also ensure appropriate air circulation around your plant that helps prevent problems such as the growth of fungi and mildew.

    Another important reason for deadheading your plants is to avoid the growth of unwanted seedlings from growing up in your yard.

    While there are good reasons for deadheading your plants, you would be surprised to know that some plants may not need deadheading at all. They can maintain their blooming and appearance on their own. However, there are a few plants that need frequent deadheading. By regularly deadheading your plants, you can maintain a neat appearance of your plants and facilitate the flowering process throughout the blooming time.

    In the next section, you will learn about eight plants that you should deadhead every week in the blooming season so they can flourish and add beauty to your yard.

    Eight Plants You Should Dead Head Every Week

     #1. Avens

    If you have avens in your yard, you can prolong the blooming time by deadheading your plant every week. Make sure you remove all dead leaves as soon as you find them on the plant. The leaves usually do well in all climate zones except for cold weather. Also, regularly remove wilted flowers during the blooming period (between June and September) as it helps facilitate the flowering process.

     #2. Bee Balm

    Another plant that you should deadhead frequently is bee balm. The plant loses its attractive look as the flowers wither and fade. But when you deadhead your bee balm plant regularly, you will see that your plant will bloom all season long. By deadheading your plant every week, you will improve the plant’s appearance and health by improving the air circulation in the plant. With regular deadheading and appropriate airflow, your plant can stay safe from problems such as mildew and fungus growth. Moreover, frequent deadheading deviates the energy into producing more flowers and continuous blooming of the plant.

    As soon as you notice the flowers fading away, you should deadhead your bee balm plant just above the next flower bud. It is a way to encourage further flowering throughout the bloom season. Moreover, once a stem has finished flowering, it is a good idea to trim it down to the ground, but you need to do this at the end of the flowering season.

     #3. Foxglove

    Do you want your foxglove plant to grow in every corner of your garden?

    If the answer is no, you should regularly deadhead your foxglove plant throughout the blooming period. When your regularly deadhead your foxglove plant, you facilitate the blooming of your plant. Moreover, with regular deadheading, you also get rid of the messy finish of your yard.

    So deadhead your foxglove every week and enjoy a neat yard that everyone would love.

     #4. Hollyhocks

    If you want your hollyhocks plant to bloom throughout fall and even through the first frost, then try deadheading this plant every week. Just pinch off the wilted blooms and dead leaves regularly, and it will promote the healthy growth of your plant and an improved overall look that can add value to your garden.

     #5. African Violets

    African violets have a long blooming period. In the right conditions, the plant’s blooming period can last up to nine months, followed by a resting period of three months. Throughout the blooming period, it is a good idea to deadhead the plant frequently. Make sure you remove all the dead and unhealthy flowers and leaves. While removing the dead plant parts, don’t rip off the plant; instead, snip it off using scissors.

     #6. Marigolds

    Your favorite marigolds also need regular deadheading throughout the blooming period. The process for deadheading marigolds is not very different from other blooming plants. Start by identifying the fading and dying flowers and continue the process every week, throughout summer.

     #7. Delphiniums

    Your delphiniums will do great if you deadhead these plants regularly throughout the blooming time. However, as you deadhead your delphiniums every week, make sure you remove the primary flowering stalks while leaving the smaller flowers that are blooming on the side. This way, your delphiniums will continue to thrive throughout the season.

    After the blooming time, you can deadhead the entire flower stalks and not the whole plant.

     #8.  Moonbeam

    The last plant on the list that you need to deadhead regularly throughout the blooming time is moonbeam. Don’t forget to cut off the dead flowers to prevent the plant from producing more flowers throughout the blooming period. Only when you regularly deadhead your moonbeam plant will you enjoy the blooms throughout the season.

    Final Words

    Deadheading is a common gardening chore that can benefit many plants, including the ones highlighted above. With regular deadheading throughout the blooming period, you can have a healthier plant that looks great and blooms well throughout the season.